PhpStorm是一款由JetBrains公司开发推出的商业PHP 集成开发工具,被誉为最好用的PHP IDE!

JetBrains是一家技术领先的软件开发公司,专门从事增效型智能软件的开发。该公司凭借其屡获殊荣的创新型 Java™ 集成开发环境 IntelliJ™ IDEA、Ruby 和 Rails 集成开发环境 RubyMine 、PyCharm Python IDE及其他生产力工具而享誉全球。JetBrains 总部位于捷克布拉格,在俄罗斯圣彼得堡、德国慕尼黑和马萨诸塞州波士顿设有研发实验室.


[PhpStorm 在官网上售价199美元,约合人民币1200元]

JetBrains PhpStorm for Mac 9.0 介绍

PhpStorm is a lightweight and smart PHP IDE focused on developer productivity that deeply understands your code, provides smart code completion, quick navigation, and on-the-fly error checking. It is always ready to help you shape your code, run unit-tests, or provide visual debugging.

JetBrains PhpStorm for Mac 9.0 破解版 – Mac上强大的PHP开发工具

Intelligent PHP editor

  • PHP code completion
  • Smart duplicated code detector
  • PHP refactoring
  • Smarty and PHPDoc support
  • Language mixing (JS/SQL/XML etc.)

JetBrains PhpStorm for Mac 9.0 破解版 – Mac上强大的PHP开发工具

Lightweight IDE

  • Easy installation
  • Runs on Windows, OS X, Linux
  • Easy project configuration -- open code from anywhere and start working
  • Key priority -- performance

JetBrains PhpStorm for Mac 9.0 破解版 – Mac上强大的PHP开发工具

Smart environment

  • Visual PHPUnit test-runner
  • VCS support: SVN, Git, Mercurial, etc
  • PHP UML, UML diff for changes
  • FTP and remote files synchronization
  • Local changes history

JetBrains PhpStorm for Mac 9.0 破解版 – Mac上强大的PHP开发工具

Visual debugging

  • Zero-configuration debugger
  • Breakpoints in PHP, JS, HTML
  • Inspect variables, watches
  • Batch code analysis
  • Profiler integration

JetBrains PhpStorm for Mac 9.0 破解版 – Mac上强大的PHP开发工具

JetBrains PhpStorm for Mac 9.0 下载
