Flux是一款Mac上的强大易用的零编程网页开发工具,Flux不需要学习编程即可在一天内建成一个专业的网站,完全可视化的设计,让你不需要关注代码,提供了大量精美的模板,基于HTML5和 CSS3技术,非常的不错!
[Flux 7 在官网上售价99美元,约合人民币600元]
Flux 7 for Mac 7.0.3 介绍
Flux is an advanced XHTML and CSS Web design software. You can do Web 2.0, AJAX, and most other buzzword-compliant things. Flux has the following features:
- Drag-and-drop design of Web pages, you can do almost anything without touching or even seeing XHTML/CSS . But you can meddle with the code if you want.
- Apply cool (or cheesy) effects to images from right within Flux.
- Attach funky javascript actions to your page without having a clue what you're doing.
- Embed Quicktime Movies, Flash and other objects.
- Edit sites directly off FTP and SFTP
Create the whole site within the WYSIWYG editor, type in XHTML, or a bit of both. You can use one of the supplied templates to get you started, or just stare creatively at a blank page.
Version 7.0.3:
Note: Version 7 is a paid upgrade from previous versions.
- Mobile-first design
- Clipping paths
- Code assistance
- TouchBar support
- Style gallery
- Improved inspector
- Dozens of UI improvements
- Google-Font preview
- Hundreds of bug fixes
Flux 7 for Mac 7.0.3 下载
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