Pixillion是Mac上的一款简单实用的图片格式转换工具。可以在gif, jpg, png, pdf等格式间相互转换,快速转换图像文件为你想要的格式并上传到网站,减小文件体积(如用于发送电子邮件)或快速转换为其他程序所需要的格式。
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NCH Pixillion Plus 7.00 Mac 破解版 介绍
Pixillion is one of the most stable, easy-to-use, and comprehensive multi-format image file converters available.
Optimize Photos for Web, Email or Print
The easy one-click process makes Pixillion perfect for converting your image files and digital photos for posting on the web, emailing to friends, or displaying on your mobile phone.
Image Conversion Features
Convert or compress thousands of photos at a time with batch conversion. Preserve vector graphics when converting between vector formats. Resize images, add text captions and watermarks and even convert images from the right-click menu.
Preview Images
Before Converting Preview images before conversion, as well as image file format, compression settings and dimensions for image resizing.
Convert Image Formats
Convert jpeg, gif, png, pdf, bmp, raw, psd, ico and many other image file formats.
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