Inventoria for Mac破解版是一款出色的商业库存管理工具,支持订购和接收、库存报告、物品控制与管理用户和位置,Inventoria for mac破解版通过组织、跟踪库存、帮助您管理您的库存,以简化您的运营并提高利润。

[NCH Inventoria 在官网售价 59.95 美元]

NCH Inventoria 6.00 Mac 破解版 介绍

Inventoria for Mac版可以在几分钟内简化您的库存流程,轻松组织和跟踪库存,永远不会缺货带有警告和报告,通过管理和监控您的库存,以帮助简化您的运营!

Manage and monitor your inventory with Inventoria to help streamline your operations and boost profits.

Easily organize and keep track of inventory
Never run out of stock with warnings and reports
Cloud access feature lets staff access remotely
Installs and is running in just minutes

Inventoria is designed to be as intuitive to use as possible, so after a quick installation, you’ll be streamlining your inventory processes within minutes.

Ordering and Receiving
Create purchase orders and email directly to vendors
Maintain a database of customers and suppliers
Set low-level warnings so you know when to reorder
Update item quantities when orders are received

Inventory Reporting
Monitor and report stock levels, costs and averages
View inventory levels by location, category or overall
Product history shows when items were received or sold

Item Control
Import current inventory with a .csv file
Scan in barcodes to add new items
Add notes, URLs and photos to item descriptions
Group items into categories for organized stock control
Set sales units for items sold by weight or in bundles
Integrates with other business programs to maintain inventory data across all aspects of your business

Manage Users and Locations
Transfer stock between locations
Web access allows users in different locations to log in
Assign appropriate access levels to different users
Mobile access to the program through the web interface
(e.g., iPhone, Android)
Manage multiple businesses simultaneously

NCH Inventoria Mac 破解版 商业库存管理工具

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