Maxel 下载管理器 是一款Mac上优秀的下载工具,可以在 Safari/Chrome/Firefox 中启动下载,自动重新尝试已停滞的下载,并管理下载队列,很不错!
[Maxel 在 Mac App Store上售价68元]
Maxel for Mac 2.2 介绍
Maxel speeds up your downloads by splitting each file into parts and downloading them simultaneously, maximizing your bandwidth. Maxel also manages your downloads, starting the next download when bandwidth is available and re-trying ones that fail automatically. Partial downloads are no problem either: Maxel saves its progress and can resume your downloads even if your mac restarts.
- Drag-and-drop snippets of webpages into Maxel to download any links within
- Browser Extensions: Kickoff downloads from within Safari or Chrome (others coming soon)
- Built-in Browser: Log into file sharing websites from Maxel's browser and let Maxel do the downloading
- Compute MD5/SHA1 hashes of files to detect corruption
- SSH public key authentication for SFTP
- API for adding downloads in scripts
- Maxel supports the following protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, SFTP
Maxel for Mac 2.2 下载
免费下载 高速下载 荔枝正版 网站登陆注:下载慢,下载不了 ? 请在评论留言或者使用高速下载通道