应网友要求更新。HazeOver 是 Mac OS X 上的一款小工具,它可以在激活的窗口区域以外显示阴影,这可以让你很方便聚焦在当前的任务上,再也不用担心所有窗口叠在一起了。

[HazeOver 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币18元]

HazeOver for Mac 1.7 介绍

HazeOver helps you focus by emphasizing an active window by fading out inactive ones.

  • Heavy multi-tasking kills your concentration. All those tweets, emails, chat messages and lolcats staring back at you from the background. They strive for your attention. And you only have that much of it.
  • Don't let yourself drown in scores of open windows. Hiding, switching, looking for the right one, more hiding, more switching. Calm down, breathe in, breathe out, launch HazeOver, and finally focus on what's you've been up to.
  • HazeOver automatically highlights an active window or app when you switch windows. The less important things gently fade away in the background, improving your attention span.
  • Set the hazing intensity and speed to your liking. Be it a soft dimming, an undemanding hint of focus. Or a powerful dark background for outright dedication to your current task.


Version 1.7:

  • Change dimming color
  • Undesired dimming in Mission Control mode
  • HazeOver got confused by some third party tweaks (e.g., Bartender app)
  • Focused full-screen app on a secondary screen might get dimmed

HazeOver for Mac 1.7 破解版 - 实用的多窗口管理工具

HazeOver for Mac 1.7 破解版 - 实用的多窗口管理工具

HazeOver for Mac 1.7 破解版 - 实用的多窗口管理工具

HazeOver for Mac 1.7 破解版 - 实用的多窗口管理工具

HazeOver for Mac 1.7 破解版 - 实用的多窗口管理工具

HazeOver for Mac 1.7 下载
