应网友要求更新。 Antetype是一款Mac上的移动应用交互UI设计工具,软件支持Android手机、Android平板、iPhone、iPad、Mac OS X、Windows Phone、Web等界面设计,可以让你快速制作出优秀的响应式设计界面,具有iOS、Android、OS X、Windwos等系统的界面组件库,方便调用,需要原型设计工具的用户可以试试。

[Antetype 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币1248元]

Antetype for Mac 1.7.2 介绍

Antetype UI designer is a brand new, ground-breaking design application that supports user-interface designers at every step of their work. Design beautiful interfaces, invent new widgets, style them, and put it all together in an interactive prototype!


    • Advanced Layout Engine: Any complex layout can be realized with nesting, tables, and flow layouts. Elements can stretch and shrink to adapt to the available space or their content's size.
    • Platform-Independent Web Viewer: Screens designed with the Mac version can be viewed in the free Web viewer. Enjoy Antetype's advanced layout engine right in the browser.
    • Shared Widget Library: The widget library is available in all projects. Changes made to existing widgets or completely new custom widgets can be synced application-wide and made available in any Antetype project.

Above download is a 30-day trial. Registration by email address required.

Antetype for Mac 1.7.2 破解版 - 优秀的交互UI设计工具

Antetype for Mac 1.7.2 下载
