最新版Vectorworks 2022 for Mac破解版终于上线啦!Vectorworks 2022 mac是一款功能强大的建筑设计工具,无论是景观设计、建筑设计、舞台灯光设计亦或是机械设计等等都离不开Vectorworks 2022 破解版,本次最新的Vectorworks 2022 for Mac更是增强和新增了许多的功能,让你使用更加方便,运用面更加的广泛,这是美国景观协会都推荐使用的一款软件,有需要的朋友快来看看吧!

Vectorworks 2022 for Mac SP3 636848 破解版 介绍

Vectorworks for Mac是一系列针对特定行业的2D / 3D设计和BIM软件解决方案,使设计人员能够将其理念从概念推进到完成。世界各地超过五十万用户每天都用Vectorworks改变世界。




规划场地的灌溉需要考虑与其物理特征和资源可用性相关的考虑和计算。 Vectorworks软件通过创新的灌溉设计工具满足所有这些需求。






所有Vectorworks软件包都包括Renderworks,Renderworks是基于屡获殊荣的Cinema 4D渲染引擎构建的业界最佳的渲染功能集。 Renderworks提供必要的工具,以便在整个设计过程中可视化您的工作,同时生成清晰准确的插图。

Vectorworks 2022 SP2 with Libraries is a versatile, on-premise application that provides extensive 2D drafting, 3D modeling, BIM and rendering capabilities for your architectural and landscape design needs. Vectorworks is equipped with designer-focused tools and features, allowing your workflows to have great freedom, ease of use and flexibility.

A key strength of Vectorworks is its ability to serve your entire creative process, from the initial concept stage through design development, construction drawings, and presentations. 2D drawings and graphics are of rich quality and renderings can range from sketch-styles to photorealistic – All within this one application. Using Vectorworks means it is very likely you will not need to purchase, learn or maintain any other software for your design needs.

With deep BIM integration, Vectorworks enables many techniques and pathways for incorporating construction data into your design and reporting that data on demand. This results in a high level of accuracy and productivity for your firm.

Built-in collaboration tools allow Vectorworks to be a suitable solution for both small and large teams, and for projects of all sizes. A wide range of import and export options permits Vectorworks users to collaborate with users of most other software as required.

Vectorworks line of software solutions in the CAD industry, which allows designers to promote their ideas, best practices offer. The app includes those users including architects, interior designers, landscape designers and product designers and furniture, as well as students who are ready to start your letter. The application of the most common is the most significant engineering design software maps. This application is a two and three-dimensional modeling is to make learning simple and friendly environment, making it one of the first application for beginning students in the field of design has become.

Vectorworks 2022 for Mac SP3 636848 破解版 建筑设计软件