应网友要求更新。 Up - Uploader for Instagram 是一款Mac上优秀的Instagram客户端和图片上传工具!
[Up 在 Mac App Store上售价19.99美元,约合人民币120元]
Up - Uploader for Instagram for Mac 3.7 介绍
Up is a feature-rich Instagram client and uploader for OS X. Please check out the video demo: https://youtu.be/KjViSmL-luk Drag, drop, upload and have fun.
- Upload images of any shape or videos with captions directly from your Mac, by simply drag and drop them to the window
- Make photos into a 3 by 3 matrix formed large photo on your timeline
- Upload video with alternative preview image of your choice
- Add any location of your choice from the map to your photos and videos
- Change your profile picture
- Use your iSight camera to take selfies
- Toggle between private account setting
- Switch between multiple Instagram accounts
- Integrate with OS X's "Share" extension, you can share any image from other applications using the OS X share button/menu.
Supported Formats
- Any image format that is natively viewable by OS X , including PSD!
- H.264 (mp4/mov/m4v) videos