TrashMe 是一款Mac上优秀的软件卸载工具,可以快速完全的卸载软件,并且支持垃圾清理等,很不错!

[TrashMe 在Mac App Store售价人民币50元]

TrashMe for Mac 2.1.17 介绍

TrashMe will help you in uninstalling your applications by deleting all related files (preferences, temp files...).

  • Drag-and-drop an application to uninstall it
  • Choose application to uninstall in a list
  • Uninstall other components (widget, pref pane, etc.)
  • Protect default apps, opened apps, or any other app
  • Smart mode to auto-detect app moved to trash
  • Manage a list of favorite apps and store registration info
  • Clean OS X caches
  • Force-empty trash
  • Delete junk files (Desktop.ini, Thumbs.db, etc.)
  • QuickLook feature to get preview of related files
  • Reveal files in finder
  • History log

Available languages: English, French, German, Danish, Slovak, Finnish, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Turkish.

TrashMe for Mac 2.1.17 激活版 - 优秀的软件卸载工具

TrashMe for Mac 2.1.17 激活版 - 优秀的软件卸载工具

TrashMe for Mac 2.1.17 激活版 - 优秀的软件卸载工具

TrashMe for Mac 2.1.17 激活版 - 优秀的软件卸载工具

TrashMe for Mac 2.1.17 激活版 - 优秀的软件卸载工具

TrashMe for Mac 2.1.17 下载

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