Stay Mac版是Mac平台上的一款非常好用的可以记忆窗口位置及大小的效率应用。Stay Mac版可以帮助记忆窗口位置并保存窗口大小,可以确保你的窗口是总是在你想要的位置,即便是连接和断开显示器。

[Stay 在官网售价 110.24 元]

Stay 1.4 Mac 破解版 介绍

什么是Stay ?




What is Stay?

If you’re fastidious about keeping your windows tidy, Stay is for you. Stay ensures that your windows are where you want them, even as you connect and disconnect displays

How Does Stay Work?Move your windows to where you want them, then have Stay store them. Once stored, windows can be returned to their stored state at any time by having Stay restore them.


Stay can store a set of windows for every combination of displays that you use with your computer. Stay can also be configured to automatically restore windows as displays are connected and disconnected.

Stay 1.4 Mac 破解版 新功能



  • 修复了macOS 10.15 Mojave的兼容性问题。
  • 提高了从睡眠中醒来后恢复窗户的可靠性。
  • 提高了运行“存储活动窗口”时的可靠性。
  • 提高了恢复窗口时窗口识别的可靠性。
  • Stay不再请求屏幕记录权限。


  • 修正了一个可能阻止AppleScript操作运行的错误。

Stay 1.4 Mac 破解版 窗口管理工具

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