SmoothCursor 是一款Mac上优秀的鼠标和触控板优化加速工具,通过Smooth Cursor可以建立N个 User Profiles,每一个Profile下的鼠标/Trackpad跟踪速度可以自由定义,当你需要为当前软件设定最合适的光标速度时只需到 Menubar-Smooth Cursor下选择相应指定好的Profile即可,很不错!

[SmoothCursor 在官网上售价2.99美元,约合人民币18元]

SmoothCursor for Mac 2.6.1 介绍

SmoothCursor is a menu-bar application that provides separate controls for customizing the mouse and trackpad accelerations. It is the perfect tool to use in combination with drawing applications and FPS games!

User-definable Hotkey: One of the most relevant features in version 2.0 is the ability to alternate between 2 profiles using an user-definable HotKey, which can be accomplished in 2 different ways:

  • Mode 1: Activates alternative profile after Hotkey is released
  • Mode 2: Activates alternative profile while Hotkey is pressed
Other Features
  • Streamlined user interface always available from the status bar
  • Supported acceleration ranges: normal acceleration (>0 to 6), no acceleration (0), inverse acceleration (-6 to <0)
  • Automatically start at login (user-definable)
  • Special enforce mode: preserves user acceleration settings even if some other processes try to change them
Demo Limitations
  • The application shuts down after 20 minutes
  • User settings are not saved

SmoothCursor for Mac 2.6.1 破解版 - 优秀的鼠标和触控板优化加速工具

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