Proton Weather是天气应用领域新鲜空气的呼吸。它是干净的,优雅的,在任何给定的时间点都能顺利地工作。它将基本的天气统计量加载到一个小型而紧凑的应用程序布局上,并在您当地的天气发生任何变化的情况下,尽快向您发送天气警报。
[Proton Weather 在Mac App Store售价人民币6元]
Proton Weather for Mac 1.0.3 介绍
- Quick launch for Status Menubar with hotkey.
- Weather forecast for upcoming four days.
- Important weather stats along with Precipitation, Humidity and Wind speed.
- Current temperature with weather icon.
- Notification upon any changes to the current weather.
- See local temperature in both Celsius and Fahrenheit.
- Easy to search location and load up weather info.
- Open main weather window with keyboard hotkey.
- Open Proton Weather automatically at log in.
- Keep current weather icon on Dock instead of App icon or hide both.
- Choose form 5 additional themes.
Proton Weather for Mac 1.0.3 下载
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