Note-Ify Notes笔记是一个简单的,基于减记的笔记应用程序,
[Note-Ify Notes 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币12元]
Note-Ify Notes for Mac 1.42 介绍
Note-Ify Notes - Simple Markdown based note-talking app. Write down ideas while you work. Keep a diary. Write memos and practice "freewriting". Note-ify — universal notebook for all of your thoughts.
- Quick create notes from menu bar;
- Organaize notes by colors;
- Text formatting (Markdown format)
- Full control from the keyboard;
- Activation by the hot key;
- Creating of notes from the search window;
- Folders to sort by topic;
- Favorite notes;
- Colors for visual organization;
- Sync your notes between devices.
- alt-cmd-1, alt-cmd-2, alt-cmd-3 — move focus between folders, notes and text;
- shift-cmd-n — create new flolder;
- cmd-n — create new note;
- backspace in the folder list — delete folder;
- cmd-backspace in the note list — delete note;
- cmd-L — swatch to search box;
- enter — make a note from the search field;
- cmd-escape — move to the note list.
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Note-Ify Notes for Mac 1.42 下载
下载链接如果要求输入密码,默认是 5682 或者 778899,正常情况下,鼠标点击文本框也会自动填充。