Motionvfx mFlare 2是一款适用于Final Cut Pro X和Motion 5的高端动态镜头光晕效果插件,含有几百种光效预设,操作简单,容易控制,当然效果也是比较不错的。插件除提供几百种预设,还拥有强大的完整控制界面,你可以自由搭配光学元素来合成自己喜欢或者需要的光晕效果。
MotionVFX mFlare 2 Mac 破解版 介绍
mFlare 2是世界上排名第一的镜头光晕插件。您对我们工作的赞赏使我们感到非常自豪,并有动力在将来创造出更好的产品。
mFlare 2 is the #1 lens flare plugin in the world. Your appreciation of our work made us very proud and motivated to create even better products in the future. As a thank you, we give you this free template that presents the power of mFlare 2 in a trailer project. Enjoy!
MotionVFX mFlare 2 Mac 破解版 下载
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