应网友要求更新。Living Earth是Mac os平台上的一款帮助用户了解实时天气的Mac天气软件,是一款与众不同界面十分绚丽的世界时钟和天气软件。它以3D时钟的形式实时显示世界天气,支持卫星云图。它展示了地球的全貌,并且实时进行卫星同步。

[Living Earth 在App Store上售价6.99元,约合人民币40元]

Living Earth for Mac 1.2.1 介绍

这是Mac平台的一款地球动态桌面工具及天气应用,是最好的世界时钟和天气应用,现在可从你的 Mac 菜单栏提供易于访问世界各地和数以百万计的世界各地城市的天气,动态的地球桌面壁纸效果和实时的天气应用结合在一起将你的桌面打造得美轮美奂。

  • Living Earth Desktop 是一款与众不同界面十分绚丽的世界时钟和天气软件。
  • 它以3D时钟的形式实时显示世界天气,支持卫星云图。它展示了地球的全貌,并且实时进行卫星同步,使你能够看到覆盖整个地球表面的云层变化,甚至能观察到巨大的龙卷风!
  • 作为一款出色的时钟软件,Living Earth Desktop 提供了超过22000个城市的时间,并且带有天气预报的功能。你甚至能用它来观看和真实时间同步的日落日出。

Living Earth is a beautiful world clock and weather app for your Mac. The award winning app for iPhone and iPad is now available with a single click from your Mac menubar offering easily accessible world times and weather for millions of cities around the world. Real-time global cloud cover, live wallpaper, and screensaver features turns your desktop into a window in space.


  • World clock and weather with a single click on the menu bar or customizable shortcut from anywhere in your Mac.
  • Live clouds from near real-time satellite cloud data - updated every 3 hours. View global cloud patterns, hurricanes and tropical storms around the world.
  • World clock and weather for over 3 million cities. 10 day and 2-hour forecasts powered by Weather Underground.
  • Live Desktop wallpaper and screensaver. Updates continuously while you work.
  • Observe sunrise and sunset borders around the world live as they are happening. Watch the day and night shadow line progress across the globe through the day.
  • Stars, constellations, and the Milky Way are displayed accurately in time and space.
  •  High resolution live 3D simulation. Enhanced for Retina display.

Living Earth for Mac 1.2.1 破解版 – Mac上绚丽的世界时间和天气软件

Living Earth for Mac 1.2.1 破解版 – Mac上绚丽的世界时间和天气软件

Living Earth for Mac 1.2.1 破解版 – Mac上绚丽的世界时间和天气软件

Living Earth for Mac 1.2.1 破解版 – Mac上绚丽的世界时间和天气软件

Living Earth for Mac 1.2.1 下载

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