应网友要求更新。HandyPrint 是一款Mac OSX应用程序,它能够帮助你从iPods, iPads 和 iPhones 使用Mac连接的打印设备直接打印,而且无需AirPrint协议支持。

HandyPrint Pro for Mac 5.2 介绍

handyPrint™ v5 is a 64 bit Mac OSX application that allow you to print from your iPods, iPads and iPhones on printers that do not support the AirPrint protocol. v5 has been re-designed as a standard application similar to the ones you would find in the Apple App Store. You simply copy it to the Applications folder and run it from there. Once you turn the application switch to ON it will start on its own every time you login to you user account. No need to manually start the application.

HandyPrint Pro for Mac 5.2 序号版 - AirPrint协议打印工具

HandyPrint Pro for Mac 5.2 下载
