Gifox 是一款Mac上实用的Gif动画录制工具,可以像录像软件一样,方便的录制视频,会自动保存为Gif格式的动画,支持全屏、窗口和部分选择模式,很不错!
[Gifox 在Mac App Store上售价人民币18元]
Gifox for Mac 1.2 介绍
Gifox is a beautifully designed and masterfully crafted app that records your screen into animated gifs – the great alternative between static images and full-size videos. It's your best companion for:
- Micro-screencasts and product demos
- Animated instructions and bug reporting
- Selective on-screen video capturing
Gifox introduces a completely new way of continuous screen capturing with window selection mode – you select a window and Gifox precisely records it even when it's moved or covered up by other windows. Free selection mode is also there for you – fast-select any area on the screen and hit record, like you used with the standard grab app / Cmd+Shift+4 command.
- Pixel-sharp selection with accurate margins
- Only selected window without any overlaps
- With or without window shadow
- With or without desktop background
A set of capturing options accessible via preferences window let you explicitly control your recording and output.
- Record fps
- Playback fps
- Window shadow
- Desktop background
Advanced compression options provide complete control over output quality and file size.
- Colour
- Palette generation
- Dithering
Open up Gifox in any selection mode using preconfigured global shortcuts.
- Cmd+Shift+5 initiates/stops free selection mode recording
- Cmd+Shift+6 initiates/stops window mode recording
- Custom shortcuts are coming in April release
Easily share your recordings with Dropbox and GoogleDrive with support for more great services coming in Q3 2016. We want to know what integrations would be most useful for you, let us know using the in-app feedback form or contacts on our website.
Gifox for Mac 1.2 下载
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