你需要抠图吗?CutOut 2018 Mac破解版是非常专业的抠图软件,只需选择您想要分离的照片所需的部分,点击鼠标,CutOut就会完成剩下的工作!
[Franzis CutOut 2018在官网售价89美元,约合人民币540元]
Franzis CutOut 2018 Professional for Mac 2018 介绍
CutOut professional lets you create the perfect photomontage by cutting out individual objects with just a few mouse clicks so that you can incorporate them into another photo. The whole thing will appear so realistic that it will look as if you had photographed the object with the new background. Let yourself create new fascinating pictures. Place your motifs in front of a new background and adapt the colour temperature to fit the fore- and background so that a realistic montage can be created. The time that you save in comparison to other cut-out software is enormous, since it doesn’t bombard you with highly complicated tools.
- Save the pictures you´ve cut out in Adobe Photoshop format, or instantly use the integrated plugin Adobe Photoshop plug-in
- Chromakey cut-out methods
- Inside/outside-edge matting
- Stroke-based matting
- Mask-modification tool
- Album view / photo manager
- Lossless scaling
- Content-aware resizing
- Visual exposure correction
- Filter for clear skin (digital beauty)
Franzis CutOut 2018 Professional for Mac 2018 下载
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