EditRocket是一个强大的文本和源代码编辑器,适用于支持超过20种语言的程序员,包括HTML,PHP,JavaScript,CSS,Objective-C,Java,Python,Ruby,Perl,XML,C,C ++,Shell脚本等 。 包括很多工具,可以帮助用户快速,轻松地编写代码,如语法高亮,代码构建器和辅导,函数和方法导航器,函数查找,代码和标签完成,正则表达式搜索和替换,括号和标签匹配,HTML,CSS和 XML验证器,文件比较等等。

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EditRocket 4.5.1 Mac 破解版 介绍

EditRocket is a powerful text and source code editor for programmers with support for over 20 languages including HTML, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, Objective-C, Java, Python, Ruby, Perl, XML, C, C++, Shell Script, and many more. Includes many tools to help users write code quickly and easily such as syntax highlighting, code builders and sidekicks, function and method navigators, function lookup, code and tag completion, regular expression search and replace, bracket and tag matching, HTML, CSS, and XML validators, file compare, and much more.

What's New

Version 4.5.1:

  • Added ability to create and open file sets (File -> Open File Set) menu option for opening a set of files with one operation
  • Added ability to drag-and-drop files to editor for opening
  • Uncomment Tool: If multiple lines in the editor are selected, will remove comments from individual lines if they start and end with multi-line comment indicators
  • Direct3d graphics now enabled by default on Windows
  • High Resolution Monitors: Close icon on tabs right-edge not completely straight
  • Mac: High Resolution Monitors: Close icons not working on tabs
  • Multiple monitors with vertical orientation or 3 plus monitors with mix of vertical and horizontal orientation, windows not always displaying on the correct monitor

EditRocket 4.5.1 Mac 破解版 - 文本源代码编辑器

EditRocket 4.5.1 Mac 破解版 下载

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