CloudMagic Email 是一款专为Mac设计的优秀的邮件客户端,支持Gmail, Exchange, Yahoo, Outlook, iCloud, Google Apps, Office 365 and any IMAP,CloudMagic Email 继承了 iOS 版稳定的优势,又针对 Mac 平台做了诸多细节设计,支持设置的云同步。

[CloudMagic Email 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币128元]

CloudMagic Email for Mac 8.6.51 介绍

CloudMagic 是一款简约、智能和精美的电子邮件应用。它支持 Gmail、Google Apps、Exchange、Outlook、Office 365、Yahoo、iCloud 和所有 IMAP 帐户。

让用户专注于编写邮件是 CloudMagic Mac 客户端一大特色,得益于屏幕尺寸的优势,设计师可以按自己的意愿将 Compose 界面做的非常简洁,有趣的是文本格式工具栏是隐藏的,当你选择文本后才会显示出来,工具栏包括粗体,斜体,外链,列表,引用,格式清除按钮。


This update comes with one of the most requested features of all time - the ability to disable/enable threading in CloudMagic.

Conversations will be turned on by default for all accounts. But if you hate threading, just turn it off from Settings, even for your Gmail and Exchange accounts.

You can now safely jump with joy. But before you do, share your excitement with us by leaving a quick review here.


Team CloudMagic

P.S: We've fixed some critical crashes that had crept in with the previous update. Thanks a ton for your patience!

CloudMagic Email for Mac 8.6.51 激活版 - 优秀的邮件客户端

CloudMagic Email for Mac 8.6.51 激活版 - 优秀的邮件客户端

CloudMagic Email for Mac 8.6.51 激活版 - 优秀的邮件客户端

CloudMagic Email for Mac 8.6.51 激活版 - 优秀的邮件客户端

CloudMagic Email for Mac 8.6.51 激活版 - 优秀的邮件客户端

CloudMagic Email for Mac 8.6.51 下载

下载链接如果要求输入密码,默认是 5682 或者 778899,正常情况下,鼠标点击文本框也会自动填充。