1Blocker 可以帮助我们轻松方便地检测分析浏览器网页上的广告以及跟踪代码。1Blocker 强大的屏蔽功能还包括屏蔽其他内容,比如:网页评论、社会化分享小部件、分享按钮、突兀的法律声明、自定义web字体以及18+网站等。

[1Blocker 在Mac App Store上售价人民币30元]

1Blocker for Mac 1.4.1 介绍






Version 1.4.1:

Hello again, friends!

By popular request, 1Blocker now blocks cryptocurrency mining scripts which significantly drain resources on your Mac by executing code in background. Recent reports found out that thousands of websites contain these mining scripts and we recommend enabling Block Trackers category in 1Blocker to ensure your Mac is not affected.

As usual, this version also contains an updated blocker list with fixes and improvements for issues on some websites you've reported. Make sure to manually launch the app after updating to the latest version to have new rules applied in Safari.

If something’s not working right, you have an idea you’d like to share, or you just want to say hello, contact us anytime on Twitter at @1BlockerApp.

If you enjoy using 1Blocker, please leave a nice review here on the App Store. We read everything and it means a world to us. Thank you!

1Blocker for Mac 1.4.1 破解版 - 强大灵活的网页广告及跟踪代码屏蔽工具

1Blocker for Mac 1.4.1 破解版 - 强大灵活的网页广告及跟踪代码屏蔽工具

1Blocker for Mac 1.4 破解版 - 强大灵活的网页广告及跟踪代码屏蔽工具

1Blocker for Mac 1.4.1 破解版 - 强大灵活的网页广告及跟踪代码屏蔽工具

1Blocker for Mac 1.4.1 下载

[download id="4963"]

[download id="4964"]
