WeatherSnoop 是一款Mac上优秀的天气预报工具,可以方便的查看全球各地的天气情况,很不错!

WeatherSnoop 4 在Mac App Store上售价人民币388元

WeatherSnoop 4 for Mac 4.122 介绍

WeatherSnoop talks to your Davis Vantage Pro/Vantage Vue, Ambient Weather WS-1080/WS-2080, Weatherwise Solar Pro, RainWise CC-3000, Peet Bros. ULTIMETER 100/800/2000/2100, WeatherHawk weather station, or Weather Underground to obtain current weather data and transfers it directly your Mac. You can upload your data to Weather Underground or the Citizen Weather Observer Program and share with the world.


Version 4.0.0 (124):

  • Refactoring Dashboard creation to address potential exception issue
  • Adding missing files

WeatherSnoop 4 for Mac 4.124 注册版 - 优秀的天气预报工具

WeatherSnoop 4 for Mac 4.124 注册版 - 优秀的天气预报工具

WeatherSnoop 4 for Mac 4.122 下载

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