应网友要求更新。Xamarin Studio for Mac是Mac os平台上的一款非常不错的Mac开发软件,是一个用C#语言开发跨平台应用的集成开发环境,它和iOS以及Android SDK紧密整合。Xamarin Studio提供了很多现代开发所需功能。

Xamarin Studio for Mac 5.9.2 介绍


At Xamarin, we believe that great, native mobile user experiences have the power to transform customer relationships and employee productivity. Unlike other cross-platform mobile frameworks that only offer lowest common denominator experiences through UI abstraction libraries, we make 100% of the iOS and Android APIs available through our native bindings. Xamarin developers deliver high performance, fully native experiences and also share between 60 and 100% of their source code across platforms.

Xamarin is the only platform with complete API coverage and deep code-sharing capabilities across iOS, Android and Windows apps, for a total of 2.6 billion devices you can reach in C#. Anything you can do in Objective-C and Java can be done in C# with Xamarin.

More info: http://xamarin.com/studio

Xamarin Studio for Mac 5.9.2 破解版 – 跨平台应用的集成开发环境

Xamarin Studio for Mac 5.9.2 下载
