WinZip 是世界上最受欢迎的文件压缩软件,在该领域拥有超过 20 年的领先地位。它可提供其他任何压缩实用程序所不具备的易用性、全面的功能集以及可以帮助您节省时间、空间和提高生产力的创新功能。


要快速地进行文件压缩、加密和共享,请试用 WinZip® 15 Standard,全球一流压缩实用软件的最新版本。借助新的高性能压缩引擎、改进的界面和新的网络邮件/电子邮件支持,WinZip 的功能变得前所未有得强大!可轻松压缩和解压缩文件,更快速、更安全地上传、下载和共享文件。

宝刀不老WinZip Pro 16.0 Build 9686 + 汉化 + 注册机




突破性的桌面小工具设计可让您迅速访问 WinZip 的主要功能


WinZip – Work smarter, faster, safer!



创建 Zip、LHA 和 Zipx 文件(迄今为止最小的 Zip 文件)

可打开 Zip、Zipx、RAR、7Z、LHA、BZ2、CAB、IMG、ISO 等文件类型

可将 JPEG 图像文件压缩 20-25%

创建自解压缩 Zip 文件



使用强大的 AES 加密功能确保文件的彻底安全






可直接从 WinZip 窗口压缩文件并通过电子邮件发送文件





可将备份刻录到 CD/DVD 或通过电子邮件发送

使用内部 FTP 客户端将备份数据上传到外部服务器

WinZip is proud to announce our latest release, WinZip 16.0! In addition to cutting-edge compression, encryption, and archiving capabilities, WinZip 16.0 includes the following NEW capabilities:

Avoid email size limits and send up to 2GB, hassle-free

Upload and post any type of file directly to Facebook

Tap into your computer's full zipping power with our new 64-bit zip engine

Zip and write files directly to Blu-ray Disc

Enjoy greater flexibility with support for additional compressed file formats

Scan your system for PC performance issues with just one click

WinZip 16.0 introduces integration with ZipSend, our brand new file delivery web service!

Need to send large files fast? ZipSend boosts WinZip's file sharing power and virtually eliminates size constraints from your daily file sharing tasks! Now you can zip and send up to 2GB without worrying about bounced messages or clogged email systems!

Learn more about using ZipSend to transfer large files >>

NEW!WinZip's seamless integration with ZipSend means that when you attempt to zip and send particularly large files using WinZip's file sharing tools, WinZip will automatically perform the following steps, behind the scenes:

WinZip separates the zipped attachment from your message and uploads it to the ZipSend cloud.
ZipSend pastes a unique URL directly into your message before delivering it. This URL is linked to your uploaded files in the ZipSend cloud.

Upon opening your message, your recipient simply clicks on the hyperlink to download the zipped package!

NEW!WinZip automatically stores your current session's ZipSend login information so that your workflow remains uninterrupted.

NEW!Easy-to-use preferences allow you to customize how ZipSend is applied (automatically for all email attachments, automatically based on a specific file size threshold, or manually by clicking the ZipSend button).

WinZip and ZipShare

WinZip 16.0 introduces one-click access to ZipShare, our brand new Facebook service!
Want to share more with friends and family? Free yourself from Facebook's size restrictions and file format limitations! Now you can zip and post any file/folder (up to 20MB) directly to Facebook.

Learn more about using ZipShare to share files on Facebook >>

NEW! Seamless integration with ZipShare means that you can upload and post Zip files to Facebook directly from the WinZip window.

After creating/opening a Zip file, click the ZipShare button.
Following the prompts, select where on Facebook you would like to share your file. You can also create a new Facebook status message to accompany your post.
Let ZipShare and WinZip do the rest! ZipShare uploads your file and creates an accompanying hyperlink that is automatically posted to Facebook for instant downloading!