Todoey 是一款Mac上待办事项提醒工具,界面简洁易用,可以在菜单栏快速的添加和查看待办事项列表,很不错!

[Todoey 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币6元]

Todoey for Mac 1.1.2 介绍

Todoey is the simplest way to remember things. It sits in your menubar so it is always just one click away. It blends perfectly into your macOS desktop in both dark and light theme. It also syncs using iCloud so you will be always backed up and up to date on all your Macs.


  • fast and lightweight,
  • easy to use,
  • support for multiple checklists,
  • iCloud sync,
  • support for both dark and light macOS themes,
  • built using newest technologies.

Todoey for Mac 1.1.10 激活版 - 待办事项提醒工具

Todoey for Mac 1.1.10 激活版 - 待办事项提醒工具

Todoey for Mac 1.1.10 激活版 - 待办事项提醒工具
Todoey for Mac 1.1.2 下载 免费下载 高速下载 荔枝正版 网站登陆

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