
[Super265 在Mac App Store售价人民币40元]

Super265 for Mac 1.0.9 介绍

Super265 converts your video to H265.

  • Reduce the file size of your videos without loss of quality: you can easily reduce file size by a factor of 2 or 3 without sacrificing quality
  • Put many more videos on your portable media player
  • Uses all of your computer's processing power when converting
  • Highest quality converter
  • Extremely easy to use
  • Just drag-and-drop your videos and it will convert them all automatically
  • Keep all audio tracks and subtitles tracks


Version 1.0.9:

  • Fixed an issue preventing conversion of videos with an odd number of horizontal or vertical pixels
  • Added automatic detection of interlaced videos and deinterlacing

Super265 for Mac 1.0.9 破解版 - H.265格式转换工具

Super265 for Mac 1.0.9 下载

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