Split Lab 是一个专业的图像分割工具。它创造了片从PNG,TIFF和JPG在任何尺寸和分辨率的图像。

[Split Lab 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币6元]

Split Lab for Mac 1.5 介绍

Split Lab is a professional image splitting tool. It creates pieces from PNG, TIFF and JPG images at any size and resolution.

Split Lab is for all creatives, artists and designers, who need to create high quality splits from artwork for print, digital or for experimenting with content formats.

Split Lab comes with multiple template formats, split strategies and customizable settings. It helps you prepare content for print and creating large tile sets (even more than 5000 tiles are possible).

With Split Lab, you start with a fixed target size (e.g. A4 borderless) and splitting strategy. Based on that, Split will calculate the number of images and perform the splitting for you images. You can save them out and process them with any image manipulation tools (e.g. Preview).

Split Lab for Mac 1.5 激活版 – 专业的图像分割工具

Split Lab for Mac 1.5 激活版 – 专业的图像分割工具

Split Lab for Mac 1.5 激活版 – 专业的图像分割工具

Split Lab for Mac 1.5 激活版 – 专业的图像分割工具

Split Lab for Mac 1.5 下载

下载链接如果要求输入密码,默认是 5682 或者 778899,正常情况下,鼠标点击文本框也会自动填充。