应网友要求更新。 Slicy 是一款 Mac 上强大的 PSD 切图神器,能够帮助我们快速的将一个PSD文件快速的切成一幅幅图片,你只需要在PSD文件中命名好各个图层,然后拖拽到Slicy中,就能自动为你切图,提高你的工作效率,让你把精力关注于设计而不是繁琐的切图中,非常的强大,经常需要PSD切图的工作者一定要试试这款神器!
[Slicy 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币198元]
Slicy for Mac 1.1.7 介绍
- 完美的网页图形和应用开发-导出为PNG,JPG或TIFF,护士。不要浪费你的一天变平或分离元件稍稍容易切片。设计背景,重命名组,让slicy干重。
- 魔术视网膜设计在1X?一个简单的注释,并slicy神奇地扩大你的矢量图层样式来建设一支高素质的视网膜版。为2倍的设计,它增加了一个位图缩放1X版本如果需要(可选)。不管你的视网膜工作流现在看起来,要好多了。
- 最近和重复利用你的图像自动出口当您保存您的PSD节省时间。当你想重复一些手动,你以前的出口始终只是一个点击。这是一个真正的更好的工作方式。
- 99%现实世界的忠诚——slicy的渲染引擎山移动使你的出口手动扁平的图像相同,但它不能保证每一个PSD的一个完美的复制品。一些功能,如CMYK和先进的过滤器,不支持。如果你遇到一个不兼容的图像,让我们知道!
- 学习更多的访问macrabbit.com/slicy/help例如月台幕门,提示和技巧。不管你是设计或开发,你的PSD工作流有待改进。
To turn PSD elements into images for the Web and for Apps, simply name your layer groups once and let Slicy do its magic. Bye bye, “Save for Web/Devices”. Hello, boost in productivity and creativity!
Designers and Developers, rejoice — exporting is no longer a workflow killer. Name layer groups like the files you want to create, and Slicy will extract them individually. Enjoy complete freedom to move, obscure and even hide these named layer groups without affecting the extracted images.
- Perfect for Web graphics and App development — Export to PNG, TIFF, JPG or ICNS. Don't waste your day flattening or separating elements for slightly easier slicing. Design in context, rename your groups and let Slicy do the heavy lifting.
- Magic Retina — Designing at 1x? One simple annotation, and Slicy magically enlarges your vectors and layer styles to build a high-quality Retina version. For 2x designs, it adds a bitmap-scaled 1x version if needed (optional). No matter what your Retina workflow looks like now, it's about to get a whole lot better.
- Recents and Repeat — Save time by having your images automatically exported when you save your PSD. When you want to repeat something manually, your previous exports are always just a click away. It's truly a better way of working.
- 99% Real-World Fidelity — Slicy's rendering engine moves mountains to make your exports identical to manually flattened images, but it can't guarantee a perfect replica for every PSD. Some features, like CMYK and advanced filters, are not supported. Should you encounter an incompatible image, let us know about it!
- Learn More — Visit macrabbit.com/slicy/help for example PSDs, tips and tricks. No matter what you design or develop, your PSD workflow is waiting to be improved.