Mac上的快速播放声音,音频效果和音乐剪辑的音频工具Rogue Amoeba Farrago推荐给大家,无论是提供快速访问大型声音库还是运行定义的音频列表,Farrago随时准备提供帮助,并提供音乐伴奏和音效!
[Farrago 在官网上售价39美元]
Rogue Amoeba Farrago for Mac 1.2.0 介绍
强大的Tile界面:Farrago的Tile grid让你可以精确地显示你想要的音频。把你的声音放在你的指尖,按你想要的方式工作。
Version 1.2.0:
- Major Enhancement: Farrago now has full MIDI support! It's now possible to control playback of audio in Farrago with an external MIDI device. MIDI control is also available for playback shortcuts, set switching, and more! See the new MIDI tab in the Preferences window, as well as the MIDI menu in the menu bar.
- Major Enhancement: Editing settings for multiple tiles is now possible! Just select two (or more) tiles, then edit in the Inspector to update the settings for all of them.
- Enhancement: The master volume control can now be controlled via keyboard shortcuts.
- Enhancement: Sets now have their own Notes area in the Inspector, perfect for adding details on how your set is used, or anything else.
- Enhancement: Set titles can now be edited more easily, from the Set Inspector.
- Bug Fix: Several small improvements VoiceOver improvements have been made to the Preferences window.
- Other: Additional small interface improvements and adjustments have been made.
Rogue Amoeba Farrago for Mac 1.2.0 下载
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