
[Recordam 在Mac App Store上售价人民币25元]

Recordam for Mac 1.3 介绍

Recordam, an elegant and easy-to-use application for recording audio, lets you create a new record in one click. It combines a powerful high-quality audio recorder and convenient storage for recorded audio files. The modern, user-friendly interface allows you to see everything at a glance, including the current input device and an input-volume level so you can start recording straight away.

  • Recording
    • Start recording in one click. Launch the app, and it is immediately ready to record.
    • Easily switch between audio input device right into Recordam. You can use a built-in microphone or an external audio input device (including USB microphone).
    • Change the input volume level even during recording.
    • Pause / Resume recording.
    • Unlimited recording time. You can record just about anything, so long as you have enough storage on your Mac!
    • High-quality audio recording.
  • Playback
    • Control the player from the intuitive interface, main menu controls or keyboard shortcut. Easily switch between audio recordings or even move forward or backward within an audio recording.
  • Library
    • Get quick and easy access to all of your recordings using the Library view.
    • Import M4A and MP3 audio
    • Integrate with tags in Finder
    • Share audio recordings via Mail, Message and AirDrop.
    • Add audio recordings to iTunes.
    • Export audio recordings to M4A format in a few clicks.
    • Add author and subject tags for each audio recordings using built-in Inspector.
    • Easily share your Recordam documents, just export their on your Mac and then add them to library on the other Mac.


  • User interface improvements
  • Added Spanish (Latin America) localization
  • Localizations improvement

Recordam for Mac 1.3 激活版 - 优雅且易于使用的音频录制软件

Recordam for Mac 1.3 激活版 - 优雅且易于使用的音频录制软件

Recordam for Mac 1.3 激活版 - 优雅且易于使用的音频录制软件

Recordam for Mac 1.3 激活版 - 优雅且易于使用的音频录制软件

Recordam for Mac 1.3 激活版 - 优雅且易于使用的音频录制软件

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