想要拥有一套类似于Windows系统上的画图软件吗?Paint Expert for Mac 是一款Mac上的绘画软件,与Windows上的自带的图画软件差不多,功能也差不多,是很不错的选择,功能齐全,有需要的朋友快下载吧!
[Paint Expert在Mac App Store上售价人民币6元]
Paint Expert for Mac 2.1 介绍
Paint Expert is a beautiful and powerful graphics painting app like MS Paint that offers you the most needed and useful tools in the toolbox panel. With all the simple and effective tools, you'll be able to create your own fantastic pictures in seconds.
- Draw the beauty with Paint Expert as you would on canvas.
- Use brushes, eraser, shapes, text tool, fill tool, and many other tools to create your work of art.
- Open and save your image using many popular formats, such as PNG, BMP, JPG, JPEG, TIFF and GIF.
- Fully support transparent images.
- You can also paste images copied from any other applications such as Mail, iPhoto, Safari, iWork, MSOffice etc.
If you have any questions or suggestion please contact us: hnbsoft@sohu.com
Paint Expert for Mac 2.1 下载
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