应网友要求更新。Oh My Star是一款Mac上好用的Github Stared Repo管理工具,经常收集各种项目的朋友一定对如何管理这些项目感到头疼,OhMyStar 可以无缝同步你在Github Star的所有repo,在本地浏览、搜索这些stared repo,还能根据语言自动分组,而且你能手动对所有repo进行group!
[Oh My Star 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币68元]
Oh My Star for Mac 1.1.9 介绍
Good news, OhMyStar 2 is on the way !!!!
Oh My Star, the best way to organise your Github Stars. Only for OS X.
‘If you are Github player, you should try this awesome application to keep your starts' repo organised.’ ----jxdwinter
'It's very useful for a deep github user !!!' ----vitoziv
'I can handle my thousands starred repos now!!' ----[FeN]RoCry
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Oh My Star provides a convenient way to manage your starred Github repositories. You can easily use Oh My Star to view, group, organise your GitHub Stars.
- View your starred repositories. (update automatically)
- Group your starred repositories.
- Sort your starred repositories. (by name, rate, date added)
- Add tags to your starred repositories.
- Rate your starred repositories.
- Copy your starred repository's git clone url.
- Easy to read Readme file.
- Search your starred repositories. (by name, tag, description, and in a specified language)
- Backup with iCloud.
View Stars
Using Oh My Star, you can easily view all your starred repositories on GitHub. It will automatically fetch and update your stars.
If you want to take a quick glimpse of others’ stars, Oh My Star will be here. You can easily and quickly view others’ starred repositories using Oh My Start.
Organize Stars
Putting some starred repositories in a group will be the most efficient way to organize your stars.
But also can you customize a perfect management style for you only
Search Stars
Sorting your starred repositories by name, rate, date will provide a simple way to find a repository.
By Searching name, tag, description, a specified language in all of your repositories, you can easily and exactly find which repositories you want.
Share Stars
Oh My Star is also a great way to share starred repositories with friends. You can copy a whole group of repositories and send these favorite repositories to your friends
iCloud Support
Oh My Star can sync your data through all your devices by iCloud. Your data will be available anytime you need it.
Added feature to export the database.
Why you need export? In the feature u will use it for Oh My Star 2 -,-