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Mplus 8.3 Mac 破解版 介绍
MPLUS软件已成为结构方程模型的主流软件,受到心理学,社会科学,经济学等学科研究者的青睐。Mplus是一款功能强大的多元统计分析软件,其综合了数个潜变量分析方法于一个统一的一般潜变量分析框架内,这些方法包括探索性因素分析(Exploratory factor analysis)、结构方程模型(Structural equation modeling)、项目反应理论(Item response theory analysis)、潜类别分析(Latent class analysis)、潜在转换分析(Latent transition analysis)、生存分析(Survival analysis)、增长模型(Growth modeling)、多水平模型(Multilevel analysis)、复杂数据(Complex survey data analysis)和蒙特卡洛模拟(Monte Carlo simulation)。
Mplus Version 8.3 Demo is now available for download at no cost for Windows operating systems,Mac OS X, and Linux operating systems. The demo version contains all of the capabilities of the regular version of Mplus. They include:
- Linear regression with multivariate outcomes
- Probit regression for binary and ordered categorical variables with multivariate outcomes
- Logistic regression for binary, ordered, and unordered categorical variables
- Path analysis
- Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis
- Confirmatory factor analysis with covariates
- General structural equation modeling
- Growth modeling
- Survival analysis
- Time series analysis
- Multilevel modeling
- General latent variable mixture modeling
The Mplus Demo Version is limited only by the number of variables that can be used in an analysis. Following are the limitations:
- Maximum number of dependent variables: 6
- Maximum number of independent variables: 2
- Maximum number of between variables in two-level analysis: 2
- Maximum number of continuous latent variables in time series analysis: 2
Mplus 8.3 Mac 破解版 下载
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