Minutes 是一款Mac上精美简洁的定时器,简单易用,界面精美,快速的设置定时,支持Touch Bar等,很不错!

[Minutes 在Mac App Store 售价人民币12元]

Minutes for Mac 2.1.0 介绍

Minutes is a simple, colorful timer.

It gently reminds you of meaningful moments, like walking your dog, picking up your children from school, or doing work-related tasks.

Just slide the toggle around to set the desired timespan, and Minutes starts counting down.
When the time is up, you will receive a gentle, customizable notification.

This compact tool is a giant guardian of your precious time.

Main features

  • Can be set for anywhere from 1 minute to 10 hours
  • The interface can be managed via your trackpad
  • Works with multiscreen systems
  • Optimized for macOS Sierra

Minutes for Mac 2.1.0 破解版 - 精美简洁的定时器

Minutes for Mac 2.1.0 破解版 - 精美简洁的定时器

Minutes for Mac 2.1.0 破解版 - 精美简洁的定时器

Minutes for Mac 2.1.0 破解版 - 精美简洁的定时器

Minutes for Mac 2.1.0 破解版 - 精美简洁的定时器

Minutes for Mac 2.1.0 下载

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