思维导图软件Mindjet MindManager Mac版是一个创造、管理和交流思想的通用标准,其可视化的绘图软件有着直观、友好的用户界面和丰富的功能,这将帮助您有序地组织您的思维、资源和项目进程。

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Mindjet MindManager for Mac 10.6.125 介绍

思维导图中大名鼎鼎的MindManager ,相信了解思维导图的都知道,就不多介绍。Mindjet 的 MindManager 软件高度的互动性与视觉化设计,可活化您的思维,捕捉您的无限构思丶资料与知识并加以组织,助您聚焦于各种任务或专案项目。 有人称之为思维导图。您则将称之为您的竞争优势。

Mindjet MindManager是一个创造、管理和交流思想的通用标准,其可视化的绘图软件有着直观、友好的用户界面和丰富的功能,这将帮助您有序地组织您的思维、资源和项目进程。

Mindjet MindManager提供给商务人士一个更有效的、电子化的手段来进行捕捉、组织和联系信息和想法。 作为便笺,挂图和白板的数字化替代品,提供更快的理解、更好的判断和减少会议时间来提高工作效率。


Version 10.6.125:

Note: Now requires OS X 10.8 or later

Universal File Export
  • Export to an interactive HTML5 file, which can be shared and viewed on any modern browser.
  • Viewers can navigate within the map, open and close branches, access links, attachments and
  • view topic notes, pan and zoom, search for information and more.
New Images in the Image Library and Updated Template Library
  • Add visual flair to your topics with over 700 new topic images, which can be easily resized without losing quality.
  • The default sizes of the images are larger (52x52) in MindManager 10.5 and allow you to scale to the maximum resolution of 192x192 without losing image quality.
  • We’ve added new categories too, including Design & Engineering, Science & Medical, Transportation, Food, Holidays, and more. You can still access images from the previous version in the Legacy category. MindManager’s templates have also been updated with images from the new image library.
  • Updated the interface to bring forward the most commonly used features and place them on the main toolbar to make it faster and easier for you to build your maps.
  • Topic Quick Add, an optional feature set in MindManager’s preferences that creates blue frame around your selected topic with plus arrows in the different directions. Hit the plus sign and new topics will appear in the direction of your choice, creating a parent topic, a sibling topic or a child topic.

Mindjet MindManager for Mac 10.6.125 序号版 - Mac上经典优秀的思维导图软件

Mindjet MindManager for Mac 10.6.125 序号版 - Mac上经典优秀的思维导图软件

Mindjet MindManager for Mac 10.6.125 序号版 - Mac上经典优秀的思维导图软件

Mindjet MindManager for Mac 10.6.125 下载

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