应网友要求更新。LiveReload 会帮你 monitor 某些你指定的目录,只要下面的文件有更改,他就会自动帮你 refresh 你的 browser, 所以如果你跟我一样喜欢同时用多个屏幕来工作的话,就可以在一个 monitor 写 code, 只要按下存档,马上就可以在另一个 monitor 即时看到目前的结果,你甚至不用把滑鼠移到另一个萤幕!

LiveReload for Mac 2.3.81 介绍

LiveReload is the essential Web-developer tool: when you save a file, LiveReload pre-processes it as needed and refreshes the browser automatically. Even cooler, when you change a CSS file or an image, the browser is updated instantly without reloading the page.

CoffeeScript/IcedCoffeeScript, Compass/SASS, LESS, Stylus, HAML, Jade, SLIM, Eco are supported out of the box. Works great with many popular editors: Espresso, Coda, TextMate, Sublime Text, BBEdit, SubEthaEdit.


Version 2.3.81:

Note: Now requires OS X 10.7 or later.

  • Lots of bug fixes

LiveReload for Mac 2.3.81 破解版 - 页面刷新辅助开发工具

LiveReload for Mac 2.3.81 破解版 - 页面刷新辅助开发工具

LiveReload for Mac 2.3.81 破解版 - 页面刷新辅助开发工具

LiveReload for Mac 2.3.81 下载

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