Launcher 是一款Mac上优秀的应用快速启动工具,类似知名的Alfred,可以通过全局快捷键快速调出,查找启动应用,很不错!
[Launcher 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币30元]
Launcher for Mac 1.0 介绍
Launcher — super fast way to find & start apps on your Mac.
It’s simple & fast:
- Press keyboard shortcut (Shift+Cmd+L by default),
- Type some letters,
- Select app from the list and hit enter.
Launcher also able to search for apps in the Mac App Store: just
click on the toggle and search results will be updated respectively.
Key app features are:
Quickly locate & launch OS X apps,
Search through the Mac App Store,
Minimum animations & speed.
Launcher for Mac 1.0 下载
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