
[Kingdom Rush Frontiers HD 在 Mac App Store上售价68元]

Kingdom Rush Frontiers HD for Mac 1.4 介绍

Now for Mac! Full HD version of KRF, all Heroes will unlock for free! NO IAP on this HD version of the game.

The world's most devilishly addictive defense game is back - welcome to Kingdom Rush: Frontiers!

Bigger and badder than ever before, Kingdom Rush: Frontiers is a whole new level of the furiously fast, enchantingly charming gameplay that made the original title an award-winning hit. Tap your troops through an epic (mis)adventure as you defend exotic lands from dragons, man-eating plants, and ghastly denizens of the underworld -all with flashy new towers, levels, heroes, and more goodies to help you crush your foes to a pulp. (Don't worry, we've still got all the good ol' stuff from the last game, too. It's vintage now.)

Kingdom Rush: Frontiers packs in so much content, it's like a fully upgraded artillery blast of mouthwatering, pixelated joy launched right into your smiling little face... and it hurts so good!


  • Fortify the frontier in exotic news lands - hold the line in deserts, jungles and even the underworld!
  • Eight new specialized tower upgrades! Slice, sizzle, and stomp your foes with Crossbow Forts, Mighty Templars, Necromancers, and even Earthquake Machines - hey, we told you we were shaking things up.
  • Over 18 tower abilities! Unleash Death Riders, pestilence clouds, or Assassins that steal and kill your enemies!
  • Over 40 enemies with unique abilities! Stay on your toes as you fight through desert sandworms, tribal shamans, nomad tribes and underground terrors.
  • Nine legendary heroes. Choose your champions and train their abilities!
  • Special units and features on every stage! Watch out for the Black Dragon!
  • Merciless boss fights! Hey, we told you to get those upgrades...
  • Hours of gameplay with over 70 achievements!
  • Classic, Iron, and Heroic game modes to challenge your tactical skills!
  • Three difficulty modes! Are you up for a real challenge? Go with Hard mode!
  • Intoxicating charm with a rousing score, full-bodied voice-overs and lovingly illustrated cartoon art! (Complete with cartoon blood, naturally.)

In-game encyclopedia! True warriors know thine enemies... and their towers. Study up!

PRAISE FOR KINGDOM RUSH: IGN Editor's Choice, Slide To Play Must Have, 148 Apps Editor's Choice, Jay is Games Game of the Year, Pocket Gamer Gold Award, Touch Arcade 4.5/5, CNET. Best iPad Games

现推出 Mac 版!KRF 完整高清版,所有英雄均免费解锁!此高清游戏版本无应用内购买。

全世界最令人着迷的防御游戏重磅回归 —— 欢迎来到《王国保卫战:前线》!

《王国保卫战:前线》规模更加宏大,战况更胜从前,堪称全新水准的快节奏、超迷人游戏玩法,可谓是实至名归。轻按指挥你的的部队,展开一场史诗级的冒险,保卫这片异国大陆免受飞龙、食人植物和地下世界可怕居民的侵害 —— 你完全可以利用华丽的新防御塔、关卡、英雄和众多好东西,助你将敌人碾碎!(别担心,我们仍然提供前作中的好东西,只不过现在已是陈年经典。)

《王国保卫战:前线》涵盖众多内容,它就像是完全升级版的诱人火炮,将像素化的欢乐径直发射到你笑逐颜开的小脸上... 可疼了!


  • 巩固异国新大陆的前线 —— 在沙漠、丛林甚至地下世界中坚守阵地!
  • 八种全新专业防御塔升级!你可以用弩兵堡垒、强大的圣殿骑士、亡灵甚至地震机切开、烤焦和践踏你的敌人 —— 嘿,我们告诉过你会动摇一切的。
  • 超过 18 种防御塔技能!释放死亡骑手、瘟疫毒云或刺客,暗杀你的敌人!
  • 超过 40 位具有独特技能的敌人!随时待命,对抗沙漠沙虫、部落萨满、游牧部落和地下世界恐怖生物。
  • 九位传奇英雄。选择你的战士,训练他们的技能!
  • 每个关卡都会出现特殊单位和特色!注意黑龙!
  • 残酷无情的头目战!嘿,我们告诉过你会有这些升级...
  • 超过 70 种成就,让你游戏尽享游戏时间!
  • 经典、钢铁和英雄游戏模式,挑战你的战术技能!
  •  三种难度模式!你是否准备迎接真正的挑战?试试困难模式吧!
  • 游戏内百科全书!真正的战士知己知彼... 对防御塔的了解也不例外。用功研读吧!

《王国保卫战》所获赞誉:IGN 编辑精选游戏,Slide To Play 必玩游戏,148 Apps 编辑精选游戏,Jay is Games 年度游戏,Pocket Gamer 金奖,Touch Arcade 4.5/5,CNET。最佳 iPad 游戏





  • 暗光深渊拓展包
  • 更多英雄!(女巫、哈兹和塞塔姆终于驾临了!)
  • 更多语言!-(日本中国和韩国)。为了王国!

Kingdom Rush Frontiers HD for Mac 1.4 激活版 - 王国保卫战:前线

Kingdom Rush Frontiers HD for Mac 1.4 激活版 - 王国保卫战:前线

Kingdom Rush Frontiers HD for Mac 1.4 激活版 - 王国保卫战:前线

Kingdom Rush Frontiers HD for Mac 1.4 激活版 - 王国保卫战:前线

Kingdom Rush Frontiers HD for Mac 1.4 激活版 - 王国保卫战:前线

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