JixiPix Fold Defy Mac 破解版 图像折叠效果制作工具

JixiPix Fold Defy for mac破解版是一款图像折叠效果制作工具,Fold Defy破解版使用两种类型的折纸选项来折叠图像:折纸和折痕,而且还具有折皱效果,使折皱的纸张看起来光滑平整。

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JixiPix Fold Defy Mac 破解版 介绍

这款专业的应用程序使用两种类型的折弯选项:FOLD和CREASE来折叠您的图像,并用折纸效果对其进行折磨,使弄皱的纸张看起来很平整。Fold Defy面向2D空间,以其透视变形和逼真的阴影渲染3D弹出折叠,带来惊人的高端效果!

JixiPix Fold Defy This professional app folds your image, using two types of bending options: FOLD and CREASE, and distresses it with a CRUMPLE effect to give an appearance of crunched paper smoothed flat. Oriented in a 2D space, Fold Defy renders 3D popping folds with their perspective distortions and a realistic shadow for an amazing high-end result!


  • 3d Fold, Crease and Crumple effects with surface popping shadows
  • Crease tool for adding creases and folds by simply drawing across the image
  • Adjustable controls for fold direction, width and surface height
  • Adjustable crinkles for realistic fold lines
  • Powerful 3d light source for natural-looking highlights and shadows
  • 18 Paper textures
  • 75 One touch fold, crease and crumple styles

JixiPix Fold Defy Mac 破解版 图像折叠效果制作工具

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