iStat for Mac是一款非常详细的远程监控应用程序,允许您检查从世界任何地方检查在Mac,PC和服务器上的重要数据。

[iStat 在 Mac App Store上售价68元]

iStat for Mac 3.2 介绍

iStat is a highly detailed remote monitoring app, letting you check the vital stats for Macs, PCs and servers from anywhere in the world.

To get started, please install iStat on your Mac, and install iStat Server on the computer you would like to monitor.

  • Stats, stats, stats •

iStat displays a huge range of detailed system stats, including CPU, memory, disk space, network usage, temperatures, fan speeds and more.

  • Monitor Macs, PCs and servers •

Monitor computers running macOS, Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, AIX, Solaris and other BSD/Linux based OSs by installing iStat Server. Macs can view local stats, too — just install iStat Server and iStat on the same Mac. Download iStat Server from

  • History •

iStat includes history graphs for most stats, covering 1 hour, 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months.

  • Secure •

iStat connects to iStat Server securely over the internet or via Bonjour. A password or five digit passcode can be used to restrict access. Authorization can be reset from the server side, if required.

  • Network tools •

iStat also contains the handy network tools, ping and traceroute.

  • iCloud •

Effortlessly keep your list of servers in sync across your iOS devices and Macs.

iStat is available for iOS and macOS.

We’re @bjango on Twitter. Ask us questions or follow us for updates about our apps.

iStat for Mac 3.2 激活版 - 远程系统的数据监控软件

iStat for Mac 3.2 激活版 - 远程系统的数据监控软件

iStat for Mac 3.2 激活版 - 远程系统的数据监控软件

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