InstaBro 是一款Mac上优秀的Instagram 照片下载工具,输入目标账户名称就能随意下载对方的照片了,而且支持通过 hashtag 或 place 信息过滤自己想下载的图片,很不错!

[InstaBro 在Mac App Store上内购人民币50元]

InstaBro for Mac 4.3 介绍

Simple Instagram browser that allows you to explore media by user, hashtag or location in a most convenient way. You can also export all data to a CSV file.

Yay, the app was featured on Product Hunt!

Main features:

  • no sign-in required (for public accounts)
  • search for users, tags, locations
  • full-featured tabs
  • like, comment and follow
  • secure sign in to browse private accounts, personalize search & interact
  • browse multiple sources (users/tags/places)
  • table or collection view
  • preview video or hires image in the Quick Look panel
  • export data to CSV


Version 4.3.2:

  • [bugfix] This release brings bunch of stability fixes

InstaBro for Mac 4.2 激活版 - 优秀的Instagram照片下载工具

InstaBro for Mac 4.2 激活版 - 优秀的Instagram照片下载工具

InstaBro for Mac 4.2 激活版 - 优秀的Instagram照片下载工具

InstaBro for Mac 4.2 激活版 - 优秀的Instagram照片下载工具

InstaBro for Mac 4.2 激活版 - 优秀的Instagram照片下载工具

InstaBro for Mac 4.3 下载

免费下载 高速下载 荔枝正版 网站登陆

注:下载慢,下载不了 ? 请在评论留言或者使用高速下载通道

下载链接如果要求输入密码,默认是 5682 或者 778899,正常情况下,鼠标点击文本框也会自动填充。