Image Crop Mac破解版是mac上一款非常好用的图片批量按比例裁切工具,支持同时批量裁切、转换和重命名数千张图片。裁剪图片中不需要的区域或为图片指定特定的宽高比。另外,可以使用Image Crop为图片指定名称,以便于查找和标识。

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Image Crop 1.3.1 Mac 破解版 介绍

使用“图像裁剪”以批处理模式裁剪,转换和重命名数千个图像文件。裁剪图像以删除不需要的区域或为它们指定特定的宽高比。另外,如果原始图像文件的命名不正确,则可以使用Image Crop为它们指定有意义的名称,以便于查找和标识。

Image Crop allows you to crop, convert and rename thousands of image files in batch mode. Crop your images to remove unwanted areas or to give them a specific aspect ratio. Also, if your original image files are poorly named, you can use Image Crop to give them meaningful names so they are easier to find and identify.


  • Crop your images in batch mode
  • Automatically crop your images to one of the following aspect ratios: 1:1, 4:3, 3:2, 16:9
  • Select the corner where the crop area starts
  • Use either pixels or percents to define the crop area
  • Preview the crop area for each image
  • Convert and rename your images in batch mode
  • Keep the EXIF info and creation date of your original images
  • Input formats: JPG, JPEG, JPE, JP2, JPX, PNG, TIFF, TIF, GIF, BMP
  • Output formats: JPG, JPEG, JPE, JP2, JPX, PNG, TIFF, TIF, GIF, BMP
  • Save the cropped images in a folder of your choosing

Image Crop Mac 破解版 图片批量按比例裁切工具

Image Crop Mac 破解版 图片批量按比例裁切工具

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