hr - Task timer 是一款Mac上优秀的任务管理定时器工具,能够在菜单栏快速的添加各种任务,支持分类管理,定时器计时等,很不错!
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hr – Task timer for Mac 1.2.2 介绍
hr – short for hour – tracks your hours. It's minimalistic, clean and easy-to-use, yet powerful time tracking app for your Mac's menu bar.
- Keep your projects and clients organized with categories.
- Manage your tasks, prioritize them by dragging to the right, archive by marking them completed. Click Play to start timing.
- View and easily edit each session used on your tasks. Right-Click to merge selected sessions.
- Record time used on your tasks with multiple timers. Automatically pause on idle or after specified interval (pomodoro technique).
- Edit your task's properties, add notes and allocated hours.
- Click the Export-button or right-click a task/category to export as CSV.
Version 1.2.2:
- Minor UX improvements
hr – Task timer for Mac 1.2.2 下载
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