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Flinto for Mac 23.1 介绍
Flinto is a comprehensive app prototyping tool that allows you to create anything from simple tap-through prototypes, to comprehensive prototypes with impressive interactions. We’ve carefully designed Flinto to minimize complexity. There’s no programming or timelines. It’s the prototyping tool designers have been waiting for.
Version 23.1:
- 现在的软件本身升级真的摸不到头脑啊,上一个版本还是2.2.7,这个版本就到了23.1.
- Fixed several glitches affecting the way different cursors are displayed
- Improved tap gesture to allow activation after dragging outside of and then back over the link
- Fixed an issue that caused layers to move in 4px increments when PX mode was enabled
- Fixed issues that caused the viewer to display the wrong content after undo
- Fixed a few bugs that caused the app to crash
Flinto for Mac 23.1 下载
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