Feeder是一个全功能的应用程序创建、 编辑和发布 RSS 和 iTunes 的工具。

[Feeder 在Mac App Store上售价人民币328元]

Feeder for Mac 3.4.6 介绍

Feeder is a full-featured application for creating, editing, and publishing RSS and iTunes podcast feeds. Features include quick and easy feed editing with auto-complete, templates, HTML tags, Markdown, an HTML preview and more. For podcasters there is drag-and-drop episode creation, automatic tagging of audio and video files with artwork, and an iTunes Store preview. Feeder can publish feed, images, and media files with FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, or Amazon S3, post to a blog when publishing, and announce new content on Twitter and Facebook once everything is online.

New in Feeder 3
  • Refreshed Design with new icons, preview and editing windows.
  • Thumbnails and preview lines in the list.
  • Integrated feed and settings views so the sidebar can be hidden.
  • Share libraries with cloud services such as iCloud Drive, Dropbox, Google Drive and more.
  • iTunes Podcasting updated for larger artwork and links in the iTunes summary.
  • Markdown editing, converted to html in the feed.
  • Autosave for edited items with windows restored on relaunch.
  • Self-contained feeds with the content and settings for sharing with others.
  • Search and replace all links in a feed.
  • Many other new features and improvements.

Feeder for Mac 3.4.6 破解版 - 创建和发布的RSS

Feeder for Mac 3.4.6 破解版 - 创建和发布的RSS

Feeder for Mac 3.4.6 破解版 - 创建和发布的RSS

Feeder for Mac 3.4.6 破解版 - 创建和发布的RSS

Feeder for Mac 3.4.6 下载

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