Export Calendars Pro Mac破解版是mac上一款优秀的日历提醒导出工具,可以将Mac日历和提醒应用程序中的事件和提醒导出到Excel文件,CSV文件,制表符分隔的文本文件或直接到剪贴板。苹果日历应用程序支持的所有日历源都由该应用程序支持,包括Google和Exchange日历。

[Export Calendars Pro 在 Mac App Store 售价 98.00 元]

Export Calendars Pro 1.9.2 Mac 破解版 介绍

Export Calendars Pro将Mac,Google和Exchange日历导出到Excel,CSV和剪贴板以进行时间跟踪或生成报告,发票或时间表。

借助Export Calendars Pro,您可以将存储在Mac的Calendar应用程序中的事件和提醒导出到各种表格数据文件中,例如Excel,CSV或制表符分隔的文本。另外,您还可以将数据以纯文本或富文本格式直接导出到剪贴板。您还可以导出与事件相关的任何参与者的几乎任何“通讯簿”字段,包括带有自定义标签的字段。您可以分别配置导出格式,并将设置保存在模板中以备后用。

Export Calendars Pro 1.9.2 will let you easily export events and reminders from your Mac’s Calendar and Reminders apps to an Excel file, CSV file, tab-delimited text file or straight to the clipboard. But it’s not just any export tool: It lets you export special fields like an event’s duration, which is great for determining your billable hours. It also lets you export any contact property for any participant for an event from your Address Book.

The app is capable of organizing multiple export setups in reusable templates to make repeated exports easier. An export template remembers the fields that were selected for the export, in which order they were arranged, the data sorting options, and the selected export format.

This makes Export Calendars Pro the perfect addition to your workflow: Manage appointments with your clients in an iCloud calendar on your Mac, iPhone or iPad, export them with Export Calendars Pro and import them into your accounting program.


  • Select a time frame for the export. Use one of the provided presets or set custom dates.
  • Select the calendars as well as the fields you want to export and determine the order of the exported data.
  • Select the export format: Excel Workbook (.xlsx), CSV or tab-delimited. Select the preset the app offers or create (and save!) your own.

Data files created with Export Calendars Pro can be imported hassle-free into Excel (Windows and Mac), Numbers, FileMaker and more – with leading zeros, dates and special characters (umlauts etc.) preserved.

Export Calendars Pro Mac 破解版 日历提醒导出工具

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