Divvy 是一款Mac上很有创意的窗口大小和位置管理工具,它将整个桌面分为了NxN的网格,让我们选择通过网格标注的形式设置窗口的位置和大小,简单易用,使用起来也很方便,支持多显示器和快捷键调用,一款比较实用的窗口管理小工具!
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Divvy 1.5.2 Mac 破解版 介绍
Divvy is an entirely new way of managing your workspace. It allows you to quickly and efficiently "divvy up" your screen into exact portions.
With Divvy, it is as simple as calling up the interface, clicking and dragging. When you let go, your window will be resized and moved to the relative position on the screen. If that seems like too much work, you can go ahead and create as many different shortcuts as you'd like that resize and move your windows in exactly the same way.
Divvy is designed to be quick, simple and elegant. We want it to stay out of your way as much as possible while providing the most powerful window management available today.
Take a look at the screencast!
Divvy 1.5.2 Mac 破解版 下载
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