Capturer 是一款Mac上小巧易用的屏幕录像工具,软件不到1MB,但也支持了常用的屏幕录像功能,支持语音同时录制,速度很快,不错的一款屏幕录像工具!
[Capturer 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币 12 元]
Capturer for Mac 1.0.2 介绍
Discounted to $1.99 as part of TwoDollarTuesday
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Capturer is a simple app, that sits in your menu bar and automatically takes screenshots of the screen or the apps chosen by you. Taking screenshots is completely unnoticeable by the user.
You can set:
- what apps it captures or just take screenshot of the full screen,
- how often - from 1 minute up to 1 hour,
- the location of the saved pictures; every window has its own file with the appropriate date, time and name of the app,
- the password to protect the settings and to quit the app,
- hide the menu bar icon,
- launch the app at login.
It's perfect when you want to track your work or oversee what your children are doing on the computer.
Capturer for Mac 1.0.2 下载
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下载链接如果要求输入密码,默认是 5682 或者 778899,正常情况下,鼠标点击文本框也会自动填充。