如何干净彻底的卸载Mac应用程序?不如试试App Uninstaller for Mac吧!App Uninstaller Mac版能够帮你卸载应用程序、清理垃圾、重置应用程序、管理扩展,非常实用,赶紧下载App Uninstaller for mac破解版试试吧!

[App Uninstaller 在官网售价9.99美元,约合人民币68元]

App Uninstaller 6.3.239 破解版 介绍

App Uninstaller是一个用于卸载应用程序完全实用。这个应用程序允许你删除所有的系统文件后,只需拖放应用程序到垃圾桶。


  • 分析磁盘空间使用情况
  • 清理和加快你的Mac
  • 释放内存
  • 监视内存使用情况
  • 查找并删除重复的文件
  • 查找和删除最大的文件
  • 卸载不需要的应用程序完全

What's New in App Uninstaller

Version 6.3:

  • Added a support of the following languages: Russian, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese.
  • Improved the search for the programs and their removal, including their service files and the leftovers of previously deleted programs.
  • Added an option to specify the folders where the programs are located.
  • Added a support for the folders in the Skip List.
  • Added an ability to find and remove program aliases.
  • Improved the general statistics display for the installed programs.
  • Improved the overall quality and the interaction of the program with the user.

App Uninstaller 6.3.239 破解版 - 简单高效的应用程序卸载

App Uninstaller 6.3.239 破解版 - 简单高效的应用程序卸载

App Uninstaller 6.3.239 破解版 - 简单高效的应用程序卸载

App Uninstaller 6.3.239 破解版 - 简单高效的应用程序卸载

App Uninstaller 6.3.239 破解版 下载

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